Sunday, 7 May 2017

A Quick Update


I have been working on a couple of things recently and I am

 just posting a quick update.

My son has unfortunately broken his leg playing football and is

in hospital at the moment awaiting an operation so things are a bit

hectic at the moment.

Firstly, I have completed the small painting from my last post.

Secondly, another page in my 'Permission to Play' Journal.

I laid down some colour and white acrylic and used the texture to pick out a figure.

Thirdly, I have started this piece by planing out the composition

by laying some mono printed papers and rough sketches

on a mono printed background.

Unfortunately when I stuck the papers for the skirts down I didn't like them.

This is how it looks at the moment.

Not sure when I will get time to continue with it but will be
back to share it when I can.



  1. Love all the art but most importantly I hope your son is up and around soon....owie! :(

  2. So sorry for your son's mishap. This is why we get gray hair...
    Thanks for taking the time to share your artwork. It's all beautiful.
